A new rehabilitation facility for women

A re-elected NSW Liberals and Nationals Government will contribute $4 million towards a proposed new $8 million facility at Moonee Beach for drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation services for women.

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh made the commitment today at the site of the new facility, where he was joined by PAYCE Foundation director Will Morgan. PAYCE will co-fund the remaining $4 million to build the facility.

View link above to view the story covered by NBN.

“In partnership with the Salvation Army, Adele House already operates a 40-bed state-of-the-art drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility at Bucca. This jointly funded NSW Government/PAYCE Foundation regional facility treats up to 160 men a year,” Mr Singh said.

“The new shovel-ready, 20-bed purpose-built facility site at Moonee Beach will exclusively accommodate the needs of women, including women and children, and will mirror the current male facility.

“I am extremely proud to have secured this funding commitment by a re-elected NSW Liberals and Nationals Government for such an important facility in our community.

“This also represents a major commitment by the PAYCE Foundation to assist the NSW Government in realising an important element of the Ice Inquiry Report of providing rehabilitation services.”

Mr Morgan welcomed the funding commitment from the NSW Liberals and Nationals Government.

“There is a desperate need for a purpose-built women’s facility on the Mid North Coast,” Mr Morgan said.

“We are ready to proceed, and co-funding in partnership with government ensures we can start this important community facility and deliver much-need specialist drug and alcohol rehabilitation services for women.”

Opposition candidate for Coffs Harbour Tony Judge will also strongly advocate for similar funding under a Minns Labor Government.

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