Homelessness and Social Isolation
Homelessness and social isolation are closely linked to cycles of intergenerational disadvantage.

According to the 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics Census, there were more than 116,000 people experiencing homelessness in Australia.
The reasons why people are homeless are often complex but include:
- Family violence
- A shortage of affordable housing
- Physical and/or mental health issues
- Unemployment or job loss
- Drug and alcohol abuse and addiction
- Family and relationship breakdown
- Not feeling safe at home.
While housing outcomes are an essential part of addressing homelessness, integrated and holistic services and programs are crucial to alleviating and eradicating this pervasive societal issue.
At the PAYCE Foundation, we believe that real change can be achieved through a direct, person-to-person response, married with service provision that applies a systemic approach to homelessness and social isolation.
With this is mind, the Foundation is the founding philanthropic partner of the End Street Sleeping Collaboration which is cutting the number of rough sleepers in NSW.
The PAYCE Foundation is proud of its significant contribution to drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs across New South Wales.