Youth at Risk

The PAYCE Foundation is passionate about supporting young people reach their potential, including youth at risk.

Youth unemployment (people aged 15-24 years) in 2021 hit 13% according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than double the general population rate.

In response to this significant social problem, the PAYCE Foundation established the social enterprise Kick Start.

A hospitality-based social enterprise, Kick Start operates a fleet of mobile cafes on construction sites around Sydney and provides training and employment opportunities to local youth.

Kick Start aims to partner with developers, builders, industry stakeholders and community organisations to deliver positive social outcomes through jobs and training for young people from social housing and disadvantaged backgrounds.

During their employment with Kick Start, trainees participate in a six-month program that includes practical on-the-job training, formal qualifications in hospitality and one-on-one support building life skills to help them succeed in the future.

Kick Start graduate Josh now has a job and a bright future ahead

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