McBride announced as End Street Sleeping Collaboration CEO

PAYCE Foundation Director Dominic Sullivan has welcomed the appointment of former Sydney City Council officer Christine McBride as the inaugural CEO of the recently formed End Street Sleeping Collaboration.

McBride announced as End Street Sleeping Collaboration CEO

PAYCE Foundation Director Dominic Sullivan has welcomed the appointment of former Sydney City Council officer Christine McBride as the inaugural CEO of the recently formed End Street Sleeping Collaboration.

“Christine brings a wealth of experience to this new role and we are very pleased to support her and the important work of the Collaboration,” Mr Sullivan said.

The End Street Sleeping Collaboration aims to halve the number of people sleeping on the streets by 2025.

The Collaboration includes commitments from the Institute for Global Homelessness, the NSW Government, City of Sydney and the homelessness sectors leading NGOs.

The PAYCE Foundation is the Collaboration’s founding philanthropic funder.

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